MMT proposals for the 99%

  • A full FICA suspension to end that highly regressive, punishing tax and restore sales, output, and jobs.

  • $150 billion in federal revenue sharing for the state goverments on a per capita basis to sustain essential services.

  • An $8/hr federally funded transition job for anyone willing and able to work to facilitate the transition from unemployment to private sector employment.

  • See my universal health care proposals on this website (Health Care Proposal).

  • See my proposals for narrow banking, the Fed, the Treasury and the FDIC on this website (Banking Proposal).

  • See my proposal’s to take away the financial sector’s ‘food supply’ by banning pension funds from buying equities, banning the Tsy from issuing anything longer than 3 month bills, and many others.

  • Universal Social Security at age 62 at a minimum level of support that makes us proud to be Americans.

  • Fill the Medicare ‘donut hole’ and other inequities.

  • Enact my housing proposals on this website (Housing proposal).

  • Don’t vote for anyone who wants to balance the federal budget!!!!